Here are some of the highlights that are on my heart tonight.
God is in the details.
"Ordinary folks are people who do extraordinary things for God."
The idea of endurance was running rampant in this example. God is really trying to get it through my head that little by little we all add to something extraordinary. Again, this is hard when you dream big and just wish you could wave a magic wand and make life glorious for all people. Haitians have a saying "tipa tipa" which means little by little. This is my new prayer. I pray that little by little god will reveal a plan to me. I pray that little by little god will work in me to know how I can best serve. I pray that little by little god will restore and reveal hope to the people of Haiti. I pray little by little that the Haitians I know can see their dreams come to fruition. I pray that little by little our pride and interest in solving other people's problems will not overcome our ability to empower a problem solving partnership. I pray to continue to be an ordinary person doing extraordinary things for god.
"little by little we all add to something extraordinary" Thank you!